Darwin's Barra Base

Your Darwin Fishing Centre for Barramundi and Barra & Bluewater Safaris in the NT.

Darwins Barra Base is a purpose built Guided Fishing Lodge with accommodation right in the heart of Darwin. It is also a fantastic Bed & Breakfast called Beales Bedfish & Breakfast, conveniently situated within a couple of minutes of the International Airport and only 10 minutes from the city.
Nearby there are literally hundreds of great fishing spots, including the incredible saltwater arms of Shoal Bay, Bynoe and Darwin Harbours. The sensational bluewater fishing at the nearby Vernon Islands is world famous.
As well there are the billabongs, world famous for their barramundi fishing: Corroboree, Hardies Lagoon of the Mary River , to mention just a few. And the big saltwater rivers: the Daly, Shady Camp and the Adelaide and Finniss Rivers.
Whether its Barramundi, Jewfish, reef fish, tangling with our mighty pelagics, or maybe just a few mudcrabs, this is the place to come.
